Of Interest

Patrick D. Jones '93, The Selma of the North: Civil Rights Insurgency in Milwaukee (Harvard University Press). Jones, who teaches history at the University of Nebraska, chronicles Milwaukee's open housing campaign, enriching the scholarship that has begun to focus on civil rights activism outside the South.

Alex Jerry Clickson (Jerry Carlson) '58, Chain Drive (Bluewater Press). A young man nicknamed "Rags" bumps over and swerves around life's potholes, relying on his true love, a motorcycle named "El Bandido."

Tad Troilo '90, Rosie Fights the Twisted Wind (Xlibris). One summer day, with her parents at work and Nana Apple Pie in the kitchen, nine-year-old Rosie meets a new neighbor, the magical Reilly. And learns about the terrible Twisted Wind, which has come from Reilly's world to destroy her own town. Magical walking sticks and "soil suds" are among the many delights in
this book.