E-mail forwarding launched
The Office of Alumni and Parent Programs is pleased to introduce e-mail forwarding, a free, lifelong service available to all Kenyon alumni. E-mail forwarding works like filing a change of address form with the U.S. Postal Service. Even though your mail is being sent to one address, it still arrives at your new home. To go a step further, imagine having one address and no matter how many times you move, or where you move, your mail will be delivered to your door. That's what e-mail forwarding does, electronically speaking.When you set up your Kenyon forwarding account, you will receive an e-mail address such as myname@alumni.kenyon.edu. You will also enter your current e-mail address where you want your messages forwarded. When you give your friends and family your new Kenyon e-mail address, you will have a permanent Kenyon account, and you will never have to notify your correspondents of yet another e-mail address. If you have a Hotmail™ account and you switch to Yahoo™ or Road Runner™, all you have to do is log into your Kenyon account and change your forwarding address. It's that easy!
To sign up for e-mail forwarding, visit http://alumni.kenyon.edu. To receive your e-mail forwarding account, you must first register for the online directory. You will be prompted to sign up for e-mail forwarding upon completing your registration. If you are one of the more than three thousand alumni who have already registered for the directory, simply log in and click on the e-mail forwarding link. If you need help registering for the directory, please e-mail help@alumni.kenyon.edu .
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