And the winners are...

Recognizing our talented academic stars is one of the things Kenyon likes to do best. And we like it even better when prestigious national organizations like the Fulbright Foundation and the Barry M. Goldwater Foundation shower our best and brightest with fellowships and scholarships, as they did in great numbers this spring.

No fewer than six members of the Class of 2005 have won competitive Fulbright fellowships to support a year's work pursuing research projects or teaching assignments overseas. Their projects take them to places across the globe, ranging from South Korea to Germany to India. A seventh Fulbright was won by Joel G. Lee '98, who is studying the political performances of traveling street-theater troupes in rural parts of India.

In addition, three current students have been honored with Barry M. Goldwater scholarships that will help pay for their final undergraduate years at Kenyon. The Goldwater is the premier scholarship program for students planning careers in the sciences, mathematics, or engineering. The three Kenyon winners were among 320 scholars selected from a field of 1,091 applicants.

We've also received word that Daniel Gustafson '03 won an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Humanistic Studies, which will support doctoral work in English literature at Yale University.