Volume 34 Number 3 Spring 2012

In this issue

Pretty Babies
Thong underwear at age eight? Research by Kenyon professors and students analyzes a disturbing retail-clothing trend that sexualizes young girls.

Scientist, writer, and patron of the arts Carl Djerassi '43 H'58 reflects on professional bigamy, productive insecurity, and why he'd rather be the mother of the birth control pill.

Lord of the Silver Ball
Pinball wizard Andrei Massenkoff rises from the Gund Game Room to the world championship.

Elegance and Excess
Dance Weekend endures, in memory and legend. The Bulletin takes a look back at the wooing, the parties, the music, the finery, and the silliness.
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
Gambier is Talking About...
Test your KQ
Swimming Nationals
Anatomy of an Athlete
Sundance Kids
Margin of Error
Kenyon in Quotes
The Hot Sheet
Babies, bacon, burritos and six other things we love about kenyon
Going Green
The Master Blaster
Recent Books by Kenyon Authors
Office Hours
A Farewell
Burning Question
Epiphany in a Labcoat
Alumni News
Class Notes
School for Scandal
Kenyon on Broadway
Soldiering On
The Sportswriter
La Dolce Vita
Alumni Digest
The Last Page
Middle Path to the Future
Gambier, Ohio 43022
(740) 427-5158