Sound Bites
"Americans are even more ignorant about China than Chinese are about America, and that's partially because we are the superpower. Most Americans couldn't tell you whether Mao was still alive or what the capital of China was--they probably know they're 'Communist,' and they're making a lot of stuff, but the level of sophistication is pretty low, and that's a problem." --Noted journalist and author Orville Schell in an interview with the Collegian. He delivered the Storer Lecture in Asian Studies in September.
"Commercialized hard-core pornography is hardly in the business of enlightenment." --Professor Emeritus of Political Science Harry Clor at an October debate on pornography and freedom of expression
"Only students can change things. We're all here complaining, but ultimately you are the one in the room with the person taking the [alcohol] shots. The only thing that we can do is have more student regulation. We hate taking responsibility, but we need to say 'enough' on the fifth drink. Tell them right now to put it down. Get your friends to stop."
--Nelie Zanca '07, speaking as an audience member at a student-
sponsored forum on alcohol use
"Many of you may have had the experience of sitting on a plane about to take off, when the steward says, 'If Columbus is not in your travel plans, you should get off this airplane...'. Well, Kenyon is kind of like that. If civil engineering or hotel management or marketing is in your (immediate) travel plans, you should probably get off this plane; that's not where we're headed here. We don't offer tickets to a job. We offer road maps for plotting a life." --President S. Georgia Nugent in her opening remarks to students for the 2006-07 academic year
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