Volume 31 Number 1 Fall 2008

In this issue

Holding on to James
A new teacher, in very new surroundings, finds challenge, joy, and tragedy in a very troubled little boy.

Trading Places
A Kenyon student sat in the President's chair for a day, and S. Georgia Nugent took a seat in the classroom.

Dealing with Your DNA
Robin Bennett '81, a leading genetic counselor, helps people work through life-changing decisions on health issues ranging from cancer to mental retardation.

Classroom Classics
Kenyon professors bring imagination to the art of teaching.
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Tricks of the Trade
Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
The Film's the Thing
Kenyon supplies the setting, cast, and crew for an independent film based on the Bard's best-known play.
Sound Bites
What's your Kenyon Quotient?
Kenyon in the News
The Hot Sheet
Printing, Prairies, Pronunciation, and six other things we love about Kenyon
Gambier is Talking About...
Around the Globe
Eight students win Fulbright Fellowships
The Doors of Kenyon
Ohio State University Football Turns to Kenyon's Swimming Program for Inspiration
Before the Glory
How a championship swimmer handles those tense moments before the starting gun, when the nerves churn and the mind races
Sports Round-Up
Odd Man In
Psychologist Leonard Felder has hopeful advice for the "outsiders" among us.
Office Hours
Musings: Creative Solutions
Colors blossoming in flasks enchant the photochemist, but the allure is more than aesthetic.
Quadrennial Concert
Holdener Wins Top Math Award
Burning Question: Is Seasonal Affective Disorder For Real?
As fall moves into winter, do you find that your mood sometimes matches the gray skies of the season?
Digging Deeper with Enthusiasm and Brilliance
Alumni News
Cycling Cross-Country at 73
Sound Boards and Duct Tape
Alumni Digest
The Last Page
Notes for my Lifesitter
When playwright and faculty member Wendy MacLeod heard about Kenyon's president switching places with a student for a day, her imagination took one of its inimitable turns--into the snarky mind of a female undergraduate giving instructions to a professor for a similar switch.
Gambier, Ohio 43022
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