Volume 32 Number 1 Fall 2009

In this issue

Rural Legends
The definitive word on some of Kenyon's half-plausible stories.

Kenyon alumni and professors ponder the future of the printed book.

Fly Boys
The days of Kenyon men in their flying machines are gone but not forgotten.

Personal Best
Undaunted by degenerative illness, Beth Newson '95 conquers the challenges of ski slopes and daily life.
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Lady in Red
When she smiled, she looked like she belonged in a glossy magazine ad for tequila, a stylish thirty-something in the center of a cocktail-sipping crowd.
Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
Henry Toutain Named Dean of Students
Saving Children
In and Out at Kenyon
Jolly Good Fellows
Kenyon in the News
The Hot Sheet
Parking, Potter, Pie, and six other things we love about Kenyon
Best in the Nation
Doing Philander Proud
Gambier is Talking About...
Sound Bites
What's your Kenyon Quotient?
Try a question from the world of Kenyon trivia
Anatomy of an Athlete
Sports Round-Up
Beyond "Baby Panic"
Rachel Lehmann-Haupt '92 talks about In Her Own Sweet Time, a memoir exploring the reproductive pressures and choices facing her generation
Office Hours
Loving Lexica
Changing Lives with Discipline and Imagination
Students laud the talents of Perry Lentz and Robert Mauck, winners of the 2009 Trustee Teaching Excellence Awards
Burning Question for Glenn McNair, Associate Professor of History
Racial politics in the age of Obama
Not in my Job Description: A Real Fling
Alumni News
Forged in Steel
Reel Life
Alumni Digest
The Last Page
Suburban Legends
Gambier, Ohio 43022
(740) 427-5158