Volume 32 Number 2 Winter 2010

In this issue

The Kenyon Compendium of Astounding Records
Move over, Guiness. We've got our own collection of record-breaking curiosities.

Inside the Washington Insiders
Kenyon graduates in and around the government beltway tell us how they work and how it feels.

White Out
When the Blizzard of 1978 marooned Kenyon in a windswept ocean of white, students staffed the kitchens while a sleep-deprived maintenance crew kept the power humming
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Being There
Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
Into the Wild
Kenyon's Outdoors Club is back on the trail
Geek Chic
Unsung Moments in Kenyon History
In and Out at Kenyon
The Hot Sheet
Boots, bodies, bawdy poetry, and six other things we love about Kenyon
Gambier is Talking About...
Kenyon in Quotes
In the news, in campus, and online
Creature of Habit
Sports Round-Up
Junk and Dreams
E.L. Doctorow '52 meditates on a cluttered American century
Recent Books by Kenyon Authors
Office Hours
"It began to rain cows"
Translation poses challenges that transcend grammar
Joining the Top Ranks
Kenyon promotes five to full professor
Why Don't We See More Plays by Women?
A burning question for Wendy MacLeod, James Michael Playwright-in-Residence
Not in my Job Description: A Dancer's Muddy Boots
Alumni News
Power of the Moving Line
Alumni Digest
The Last Page
From the Hill to the Hill
Gambier, Ohio 43022
(740) 427-5158