The Hot Sheet

Big Read
Kenyon and Knox County participated in the Big Read, a program of the National Endowment for the Arts, which awarded a $10,000 grant to the Kenyon Review for its project. Copies of the Louise Erdrich novel Love Medicine were given away to set the stage for a series of public events and book discussions. As the 2009 recipient of the the Kenyon Review Award for Literary Achievement, Erdrich visited campus to speak during the Review's literary festival.

Funking Up
The Manhattan Project, a student jazz, funk, and fusion band, played at the Village Inn in the fall and invited the campus to get "funked up." As the great song goes: "Lay down the boogie and play that funky music ..."

Students played a life-size game of Monopoly à la Kenyon, with properties named for College buildings and local businesses, and money bearing the mug of President S. Georgia Nugent. Instead of "go to jail," players were sent to the library to study. The game was developed by students in the late 1990s.

The Craft Center demonstrated spindle spinning in Peirce Hall. No one was able to spin straw from the environmental center into gold.

Fat Talk
More than two hundred students signed a pledge to eliminate "fat talk" for a week. The national movement urges people to avoid statements that encourage the thin ideal. That's what we call phat.

Body Parts
The Crozier Center for Women sponsored a Love Your Body Day fashion show. People were asked to film and discuss their favorite body part. We've come a long way from "this little piggy cried wee, wee, wee..."

Goose Chasing
A student sent out an all-campus e-mail asking for goose feathers-they'd be made into quills for a music-history project involving the crafting of "antique" manuscripts. I'm too busy to find feathers myself, the student indicated—implying that the rest of us have plenty of time to chase, catch, and pluck.

Dirty Poems
NightCAPS, Kenyon's nocturnal literary society, held a reading of bawdy and dirty poetry. There once was a man from Nantucket...

Women accessorized shorts and skirts with cowboy boots, Uggs, high leather boots, and hiking boots. (This trend has legs.) DeliciousFacebook FacebookStumbleUpon StumbleUponDigg Diggreddit reddit