Volume 32 Number 3 Spring/Summer 2010

In this issue

An unofficial lexicon of unique Kenyon coinages, nicknames, and turns of phrase, from the vividly expressive to the vaguely lewd.

Hardwood Heroes
One player recalls how the worst lineup in Kenyon's history improbably defeated Kent State.

You Do What?
Meet a small sampling of Kenyon alumni whose time on the Hill led to careers off the beaten path.
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Up, Up, and Away
Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
On Location
Club boosts student filmmaking
A Door to the Past
Teacher, Scholar, Leader
Beauty Queen
Forbes names Kenyon one of the world's thirteen most beautiful college campuses
Bic Band Beat
In and Out at Kenyon
The Hot Sheet
Dancing, dining, denim, and six other things we love about Kenyon
Gambier is Talking About...
What's your Kenyon Quotient?
Try a question from the world of Kenyon trivia
Kenyon in Quotes
In the news, in campus, and online
Last but not Least
Sports Round-Up
In from the Fringe
A jaded blogger and would-be terrorist find each other, and more, in David Goodwillie's first novel
Recent Books by Kenyon Authors
Office Hours
Language of Death
What draws students to a course about dying?
Can restored wetlands make up for the loss of natural systems?
Burning Question for M. Siobhan Fennessy, professor of biology and codirector of the Brown Family Environmental Center
Not in my Job Description: Cover to Cover
Alumni News
American Thinker
Arguing with Tradition
Alumni Digest
The Last Page
Back Up: Or, how I learned to steer a college division by driving a tractor-trailer.
Gambier, Ohio 43022
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