Volume 34 Number 1 Fall 2011

In this issue

Café Society
Do you remember the first signs of the weekend in Gambier? For many people one of the great pleasures marking week's end arrives midday, as classmates and colleagues stream towards the Parish House for good company and a delectable lunch at Friday Café.

We did it!
The "We Are Kenyon" campaign soars to a spectacular end, raising $240 million-and providing priceless opportunities for students.

An Artist in Stone & Glass
If the twenty-first century Kenyon campus can be seen as a canvas, then Graham Gund is the artist.

Set for Life
If you've watched ESPN's SportsCenter, NBC's Today, or The Daily Show, you've seen Jim Fenhagen's work. Chances are, you didn't know it.

The Red Bishop
Educated at Kenyon's Bexley Hall seminary, William Montgomery Brown rose in Episcopal ranks, only to embrace a heretical vision of "Communism and Christianism."
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Letters to the Editor
Echoes of the Unreal
Along Middle Path
Wishing and Hoping . . . and Waiting
Community Beacons
Test your KQ
How To Take Better Photographs
The Hot Sheet
Honey Bees, Spelling Bees, Ballads of Bob, and six other things we love about Kenyon
Gambier is Talking About...
Best in the Nation, Round Two
Bulletin named 2011 Robert Sibley Magazine of the Year.
On Location
Kenyon in Quotes
Going the Extra Mile
Inside Dylan
Recent Books by Kenyon Authors
Office Hours
Lessons of Excellence
A Wizard with Wood
You may know Will Scott as a professor, historian, and author. Now meet the artisan.
The Reel Deal
Kenyon's new film majors may be dazzled by the limelight, but here's a word from the movie-biz trenches: it takes sweat, salesmanship, and a bottomless capacity to hear "no"
Seven faculty members win tenure
Alumni News
Class Notes
Cosmic Explorer
Margaret Maloney
Rebecca Dash
Alumni Digest
The Last Page
A midlife crisis management guide
Gambier, Ohio 43022
(740) 427-5158