The numbers are extraordinary. But more extraordinary still is what they mean for Kenyon students, now and for generations to come. The "We Are Kenyon" campaign ended in triumph last summer, raising more than $240 million-fully $10 million more than the goal that was set when the campaign had its public launch in 2007. More than 15,000 alumni, friends, and other supporters contributed to the campaign. Together, they made "We Are Kenyon" by far the most successful comprehensive campaign in the College's history-indeed, the most ambitious campaign ever mounted by an Ohio private college.
The following pages show what the Kenyon family-what we-accomplished. Thanks to this campaign, the College will have superb new buildings for the visual arts, a completely renovated Peirce Hall, and an array of other new academic facilities. A doubling of the scholarship endowment means wider access to the Kenyon experience. Five new endowed chairs mean greater possibilities in the classroom. The campaign strengthened the Kenyon Review, created the Center for the Study of American Democracy, and safeguarded the campus's rural charm through land preservation.
Take a tour of the Kenyon landscape (and the Kenyon mindscape), as enriched by the campaign. Feast your eyes. Savor the accomplishment. And give yourself a pat on the back. You did it! We did it together!