The Hot Sheet
Wanna See You Wiggle ItWhen the Wiggin Street Coffee Shop opened in the fall, replacing Middle Ground Café, students dubbed it Wiggle Ground. Despite many pleas, the servers refused to wiggle it, even just a little bit.
Moving Bellies
Belly dance fitness was offered at the athletic center in the fall. How's that for hip? Patrons of the athletic center were warned that the facility could shimmy at any time.
The Year of the Zombie

Students jumped on the national zombie craze with several Human vs. Zombie events. The first event was a Nerf gun battle. Nerf's up!
Dirty Music
The student band French Club produced an album titled S*** Talk. The Collegian blog The Thrill said the album runs a gamut of emotions ranging from ecstatic to heartbroken to hungover to pensive to just plain pissed, and you'll find yourself singing along no matter what. Just what the world needs.
Ring My Bell
A student audio art installation swapped traditional campus chimes at the Church of the Holy Spirit for digital ones. The installatoin was meant to stir reaction. Mission accomplished. Some thought it was a permanent change. Who knew people could be such dingalings?
Hip Kids

Nutty college rankings continue to proliferate. Kenyon landed at number seven on the list of hipster colleges complied by Unigo, an online college resource for students parents. Unigo says Kenyon should be thought of as "intellectual hipsterism." We're not sure, but that sounds like a compliment.
Press for Prez
The Thrill contributed to the search for Kenyon's next president by nominating five candidates and polling the student body. The winner? The Peirce dining hall Panini press. The recommendation was sent to the presidential search committee. Reports said the grill tested well with all demographics, with the exception of cold sandwich lovers. Certainly the candidate would have knocked it out of the box on Meet the Press.