Volume 33 Number 1 Fall 2010
In this Issue
- Four Days at Kenyon
- The Great Raid of '48
- Which is Worse?
- Survivor
The Editor's Page
- Fear Factor
- Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
- Spicing Up the Servery
- Kenyon Review Honors Poet Laureate
- Suds and Sparks
- Art Couture
- In and Out at Kenyon
- The Hot Sheet
- Gambier is Talking About...
- Kenyon in Quotes
- Sports Round-Up
- Application Madness, and Wisdom
- Recent Books by Kenyon Authors
Office Hours
- Unavoidable Life
- Out of the Vault: English professor Kim McMullen explores Riker's Yeats collection
- Honoring Excellence
Alumni News
- More than a Bridge
- The Perfect Storm-Maker
- Obituaries
- Alumni Digest
The Last Page
- Which are worse: Left wing or Right wing bumper stickers?

Photography by Howard Korn.
When we want to capture the contemporary Kenyon in photos—touching on everything from students at work (and play) to the landscape in repose—we invite Howard Korn to campus. A photographer based in Baltimore, Maryland, Korn has a feel for Kenyon charm, Kenyon quirks ... for the inimitable, ineffable Kenyonesque. Here's a small sampling of what he found during a four-day visit. Each of these images offers just a slice of life. But together, we think, they suggest something about the College's essence—how a small hilltop can body forth a world of intellectual and creative intensity.
Gambier, Ohio 43022
(740) 427-5158