Illustrations by Catherine Meurisse
We're always encountering not-so-simple choices, questions that at first glance would seem to be straight-forward but that, on further consideration, confront us with trade-offs. And these dilemmas, whether trivial or weighty, often take an odd form. Instinctively searching for "better," we find that the world's imperfections force us to face many choices by asking, "Hmm... which is worse?"

Worse: too little exercise
Both can be bad for you, but Kenyon's fitness director sees lethargy as far more widespread, and more harmful
Worse: cloth
The truth is that both pose environmental problems. Given that it's a wash, why not opt for convenience?

Worse: burglary
A prosecutor sees the question on the gut level of fear and vulnerability.
Worse: foreclosure
If you're facing the loss of your home, the lesser of two evils is bankruptcy, says a Chicago-based attorney

Worse: A dirty kitchen
Think bathrooms are gross? The kitchen offers a multitude of nooks, crannies, and surfaces where microbes can build an empire, says a veteran public health official
Worse: neither, and both
Parsing the problem, a philosopher sees ignorance and arrogance as two sides of the same coin. Arrogance, he finds, is a special kind of ignorance

Worse: underinflated tires
Take it from Gambier's premier car repairman
Worse: not long enough
Even if you feel stuck in a job, stay there long enough to establish yourself, says a seasoned career-services expert

Worse: insecticides (for the average homeowner)
Actually, it's complicated, says a Kenyon biologist. With this question, neither choice is cost-free