Volume 33 Number 2 Winter 2011

In this issue

An Indelicate Balance
Five years after Kenyon's dean of admissions brought gender bias in higher education to the national stage, men around the country continue to fade as women soar.

The Bishop's Sidecar
A mixologist with a taste for history concocts an official Kenyon-purple cocktail.

Back to Class
Ten years later, a graduate takes classes with her former professors and discovers that no one loves you like mama—alma mater, that is.

Plot Summary
The colorful details of Kenyon's graveyard.
Kenyon In Season

The Editor's Page
Boys are in trouble, but who's to blame?
Letters to the Editor
Along Middle Path
Kenyon welcomes the Class of 2014
Test your KQ
In and Out at Kenyon
Ready to roll with film major
The price of beauty: a cyber saga
The Hot Sheet
Gambier is Talking About...
Kenyon in Quotes
Going the Extra Mile
Sports Round-Up
A Call From Jersey
Recent Books by Kenyon Authors
Office Hours
The More Things Change...
Do students today comport themselves worse than in the past, as some would have us believe? A Kenyon history professor offers some perspective on a perennial question.
Burning Question: Will the Dodd-Frank Act avert another financial crisis?
Seven faculty members win promotion to full professor
Alumni News
Class Notes
High Seas Historian
One of the world's best-respected naval historians, John B. Hattendorf '64 combines his passion for history, writing, and all things maritime in an astonishing body of work.
Material World, Bacterial Culture
Annie Lambla combined her passions for local food, two-wheeled transportation, community, and cultural process—and took them on the road.
Alumni Digest
Character and Community
The Last Page
A very general and stereotyped look at woman vs. man.
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